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Behaviour and Safety

We are proud of our reputation which is that we ensure children's behaviour and safety is held in high regard across the whole school and community.  This has been successfully achieved through our curriculum, positive behaviour systems and rigour at which all members of the school community address the behaviour and safety of our children.


Ofsted acknowledge this through recognising;

"Pupils behave in a calm and orderly way. They love to earn ‘proud points’ for making their teachers proud. Adults talk to pupils with respect and a deep sense of care. Staff work with skill and compassion to help pupils manage their behaviour."


Our relational policy is based on positive interactions with the children, with children receiving 'PROUD' points for good behaviour choices.

For further information, please click on the links below;

Further parent information on how we develop positive and effective learning behaviours can be can be found by following the Growth Mindset link below:
