Science enrichment days/weeks | Discovery areas (whole school) and sheds (EYFS) enable children to develop their own lines of enquiry and exploration | School environment supports a love of science through ‘forest schools’ zone and gardening area | Real life Scientific phenomenon are explored through regular baking, weather and growing activities | Majority of topics have a major Science foci (KS1) |
Family learning activities focus upon Scientific knowledge and skills | Continuous provision in EYFS enable children to explore the world around them and adult intervention extends this further | Specific Science books in KS1 demonstrate the progression of skills | Wide range of first-hand activities including hatching ducklings, butterflies, animal roadshow visits and trips | After and in-school clubs including Gardening, Making and exploring |
Annual visit from the life education van to explore our bodies | Extensive use of the outdoor environment throughout EYFS and KS1
| Whole school Science investigation during Science week |