Home Page


We take E-Safety very seriously at William Lilley and we will use this page to share with you any information that we receive from official capacities. We have filtering systems in place to prevent children at school accessing websites considered to be unsafe or inappropriate. We teach children the importance of keeping their personal details private and safe and how to behave politely and responsibly online. Children also learn to tell a trusted adult if they don't like what they see online. Pupils are never left unattended whilst online and teachers ensure that this does not happen.


Online safety now covers the issues associated with all information systems and electronic communications. This encompasses not only the internet but all wireless electronic communications including mobile phones and devices, games consoles, cameras and webcams. Technology often provides a platform to facilitate harm; however it is important to remember that the issue at hand is not the technology but the behaviour around how it is used. Adults remaining vigilant about children's online communications will be the best strategy for managing children's safety online. 


For information on E-Safety at home, please see the links below. These are not an exhaustive list but provide the key organisations who are working hard to keep our children safe.


Please follow the link for relevant e-safety and acceptable use policies:
