Circle time | Group and individual interventions for children who need additional support including social, emotional and nurture | Positive behaviour policy and child friendly version including emotion coaching, classroom, proud and betty bee’s rules | SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) program of work | Celebrating individuality and difference through cultural activities, celebrations, family box and international dimensions award |
Nurturing, family ethos embedded throughout all practice encouraging children to talk | Drama – reenact, role play | Social stories used as a strategy to support individual choices | Weekly SCARF assemblies, promoting and supporting SCARF curriculum | Awareness and understanding of others through charity events and fundraising activities |
DOJO/Proud points/ awards/ proud time | Steps to success supporting learning behaviour | Mindfulness and wellbeing activities embedded within practice including Tamba Roy, peer massage, yoga, relaxation and imoves | Assemblies eg NSPCC, water safety (outside visitors) | Healthy school initiative and embedded healthy practices using cutlery, sitting at table, hand washing |
Priority throughout the whole school, objective led planning focus for F1 | Growth mindset strategies taught and promoted throughout the school | Enrichment opportunities; encouraging children to take active part in community including school council | Topics which focus upon learning about ourselves and people around us | Family support including parent learning and bespoke family support |
Family/nurture – shared outdoor area in EYFS, tables at lunchtime, mixing children, developing relationships | Mr Happy and Little Miss Sunshine awards given during SCARF assemblies | Safety smart award | Responsibility given to children as they move throughout the school including playground buddies, mini me (dinner helpers) and monitors | Annual life Education Van visit with information |