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Personal, Social, Health and Ecomonic Education

Our vision for Personal, Social, Health and Ecomonic Education at William Lilley:


Our children are independent, respectful, caring and healthy members of society.  Children learn to manage their behaviour, emotions and interactions with others by applying strategies in everyday life.  Our children are encouraged to be polite, resilient, determined and confident so that they are able to break down the barriers to learning.  As a result of this they will have an understanding of other’s needs, form positive relationships with their peers, develop positive interactions with each other and play a positive role in contributing to school life. 




Circle time

Group and individual interventions for children who need additional support including social, emotional and nurture

Positive behaviour policy and child friendly version including emotion coaching, classroom, proud and betty bee’s rules

SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) program of work

Celebrating individuality and difference through cultural activities, celebrations, family box and international dimensions award

Nurturing, family ethos embedded throughout all practice encouraging children to talk

Drama – reenact, role play

Social stories used as a strategy to support individual choices

Weekly SCARF assemblies, promoting and supporting SCARF curriculum

Awareness and understanding of others through charity events and fundraising activities

DOJO/Proud points/ awards/ proud time

Steps to success supporting learning behaviour

Mindfulness and wellbeing activities embedded within practice including Tamba Roy, peer massage, yoga, relaxation and imoves

Assemblies eg NSPCC, water safety (outside visitors)

Healthy school initiative and embedded healthy practices using cutlery, sitting at table, hand washing

Priority throughout the whole school, objective led planning focus for F1

Growth mindset strategies taught and promoted throughout the school

Enrichment opportunities; encouraging children to take active part in community including school council

Topics which focus upon learning about ourselves and people around us

Family support including parent learning and bespoke family support

Family/nurture – shared outdoor area in EYFS, tables at lunchtime, mixing children, developing relationships

Mr Happy and Little Miss Sunshine awards given during SCARF assemblies

Safety smart award

Responsibility given to children as they move throughout the school including playground buddies, mini me (dinner helpers) and monitors

Annual life Education Van visit with information

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

Relationships and Sex Education are an integral part of our PHSE curriculum.  Please follow the link below to access the RSE policy.
